in keeping on the veggies, my tomatoes are still green. its a bit irritating b/c my neighbors across the street already harvested some nice red ones. i dont know what variety they planted but these are an experimental variety.
i'm getting blossom drop too. i'm guessing it's because of the nasty heat we've been having.
i need to start getting everything together sooner before the heat gets bad and drops the buds.
The above right is one of the magnolia bush seeds i started in a SIP planter and then transferred into it's own container. This one is showing the best progress so far. The left one, i dont know what that one is. it was one of the seeds that was in the batch that got flooded in the rain and all mixed together, so it'll be a surprise i suppose.
i also realize that i'm super horrible about getting around to watering... sometimes i'm not home for 2 days and that's enough for them to wilt. so i moved the queen datura back into a SIP planter (painted this time). i'll post a pic when it doesnt' look all horribly wilted. i was very surprised when i saw the nice little root system it had going on it.