Sunday, May 9, 2010

odd plant problems

there's 2 things very odd that i've noticed about the 2 annuals i planted in hanging containers.

the african daisy i planted is thinning and drying out at the stem at the bottom where the stem meets the soil. it's especially odd b/c i have other plants around them in the same exact growing conditions that are doing just fine. in fact i have one that's producing multiple buds. i read that overwatering can lead to weak basal stems that fall over, but these are dry and not flimsy. i posted on daves garden about it and those guys are pretty darn quick about responses so i'm sure i'll know soon. one thing about people that like to garden is that they love to be helpful and see others succeed. ah, if only everyone i worked with could be gardeners too.
man, i love knowledgable people on forums. it's damping off (quote from howstuffworks)
Damping Off: Probably the worst enemy of successful seed starting is a problem known as "damping off." It strikes within two weeks of germination when seedlings are very young. When it hits, the plants simply lay down and die, usually in less than a day's time.

Damping off is a fungus infection that can best be avoided by making certain that both the soil and containers in which seeds are planted are sterile. The seeds themselves can be lightly dusted with fungicide powder prior to planting as an additional precaution. Young seedlings should be looked at morning and evening to check for any sign of a problem. Even if only two or three plants have lain down, take the precaution of immediately spraying the plants with a fungicide or, if none is available, try a mild vinegar solution.
wonderful info here from tom clotheir lower pH is a good thing. i sprinkled a bit of cinnamon i had over the top of the containers, but it's probably a bit too late. lesson learned.

secondly, i have the nasturtium all growing in the same pot and yet i'm getting 2 different colored flowers. the orange ones turn out just fine, pretty and healthy looking while the ones that come up red look a little like they didn't develop properly and lack color in some spots. very strange. you can see the nice healthy new one compared to the washed out looking red ones on 2 different stems.

i have no clue what happened. maybe there were bad seeds? maybe it was a watering issue? poor soil? i don't think i over fertilized at all... there are several more buds tho, and i'll see how they come out. 

oh yeah, happy mommie's day. i'll have to find a nice flower that blooms around early spring for next year to plant and give to my mom. she's the type that always says "don't buy me anything, make me something, you're creative" does starting something from seed count? haha, yeah. on the phone with her and it does. told her i was gonna bring her over some carnations i planted a while back and she goes "oh that's great, as long as you planted them yourself" mom said grandma really loves carnations so i really planted them initially for her (but they live together so they can both enjoy them).

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