Thursday, July 1, 2010

Growth spurt

the datura plant is huge! it must have been all the rain (or the SIP planter) but i didnt even add any fertilizer recently. imagine if i HAD! i'm pretty happy about it. the one on the right is what it looked like only 2 weeks ago (6/17/10). from tiny little seed to this...

the hibiscus plants (left) are finally starting to bud. after the nasty freeze we had last winter i was really scared for them. they had died back to almost nothing. its amazing how resilient nature is.
         the rose i propagated from a stem cutting at my moms house (right) has also put out it's first bud! i started the bare stem back last October i believe, and it's doing really well. i forgot to tag the stems so i dont know exactly what color it will be so i'll be eagerly awaiting the opening


and the okra buds haven't bloomed yet, but the leaf size is incredible. i would have never expected little okra that i am accustomed to eating to grow off such a massive plant.                                             i have to re-stake the tomatoes b/c the old ones i used are not strong enough and with all the wet ground they just topple over. my vegetable garden is such a mess right now. i would hate for someone to come over and see it : (

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