Friday, August 6, 2010

Quick update

The pickled okra seemed to be too vinegar-y for my taste. the recipe i saw called for a 1:1 of vinegar to water but i think i'm gonna tone it down to 2:1 and add some form of pepper in there next time Procedure was fine, but the ingredients need to be tweaked a bit... made some stew out of some of them with tomatoes and that was good tho. haven't tried to fry them yet, but i've had them that way and they taste incredibly wonderful.

The hibiscus propagation was a total fail. Funny too b/c i was looking and it said to put them in indirect sunlight and i was like meh and just put them out full blast in the july heat. again, procedure great but time of execution and lighting conditions were way off. i've had one root before but i think i did it in early early spring, which is when i will do them next time. i would take pictures but it's way too sad.

The compost i was making in the food grade cylinder has worked out well. originally i had drilled the holes in the side too small and the water was not being able to drain which supported all sorts of... lifeforms and was an overall mess. now that it's dried out a bit more it has that nice earthy smell and looks very plantable-in-like.

Going to do a layered (lasagna type) veggie bed for next season and a SIP planter box. i'm late on getting things ready for fall, but if the bed overwinters it may be good for spring... or so i hope.

Random sidenotes:
            1. My birthday is coming up and i would greatly appreciate giftcards to home depot or lowes, or something electronic b/c gadgets are neat.  : )
            2. went online to look up this flavored ceylon tea that i love (b/c i dont think i can find it in stores anymore) and the shipping was 20 bucks! i'm sorry, but i have a cap on things and more than 6 bucks for shipping on anything is kinda crazy to me. i quickly closed the page and realized i better start calling around local stores if i really wanted it.

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