Thursday, September 15, 2011

Due to the unmercifully hot, dry conditions and tight water regulations here in Texas (we've had several major wildfires) my gardening has grinded to almost a halt. But I have done a few things...

Saw in a book that you can grow / propagate a pineapple extremely easily. All you do is:
    1. Cut the top off with about and inch or so left of the actual fruit attached
    2. put it in some dirt.
Yeah, it's that simple. And mine seems to be doing fine. I started it a month or so ago and its already forming new leaves. I don't know if anything will actually become of it, but its a fun little experiment that really had nothing to lose. :)

I have seen that Bougainvillaea love hot dry conditions and if i remember correctly can tolerate cramped spaces (like pots) and poor soil conditions. Plus, if I recall, they are easy to propagate from cuttings. They are the perfect southern plant. So i ordered 2 of them (orange and yellow) from a place called along with a pink mandevilla. I was a bit worried about placing the order seeing as though i had never ordered plant plants from anyone (only seeds) but i was suprised that they came very well shipped and looked to be in very healthy condition. Very small plant-lings but the price was fairly cheap as well, so I can't complain.

I also have a hibiscus that i propagated from a cutting off one of my bushes that has actually taken in this horrible drought we've been having. Key to propagation i've learned is to put them in a semi-shady spot while they're rooting. Last time I tried i blasted them in full sun and they wilted like nothing. Made a mix of 1:1 perilite and potting mix and put it in a shady spot and presto, new leaves all over the place. I guess I CAN learn from my mistakes (sometimes ;) )

I wanted to try carrots this year in a fall crop but decided that I didn't have a good set up for it and don't have the time while taking Fluid Mechanics, Thermo 2 and Numerical Methods. Studying engineering means you basically have no life. I should have taken up like communications or something if I actually wanted spare time apart from studies... :(

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