Thursday, December 15, 2011


On Nov 11th I decided to plant some Hyacinth, Freesia, Daffodil and Ranunculus bulbs.

Ranunculus was potted up and put it outside but only a small set of them have come up... I think the pot didn't have adaquate drainage so the bulbs probably rotted with the sparatic heavy rain we've gotten. Everything is a learning experience.
Side exposed to light

The Hyacinth and Freesia are another story. Planted them in vases with water and they've rooted well. One thing i noted is that when they say that a plant requires dark, they really mean it. My Hyacinth bulb was in dark in a room but i think i left the door ajar and the front side was exposed to light. Consequently, the light exposed side did not root or was retarded.
All Dark conditions

Freesia roots
Freesia are growing like little champs in my windowsill. I couldn't find vases small enough to hold them so i started them in Erlenmeyer flasks, sad i know. But it worked and I went out and bought some gravel today and i'm gonna move them into a nice big bowl.

Freesia ( 1 month in )
Hyacinth left, Daffodil right
The Daffodil has rooted well in water and one is starting to shoot out of the bulb.

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