Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Planted catnip around Dec 19th (super easy to grow btw) and its got lots of true leaves on them yet the new rat killer we got has no interest in it at all. He's a bit of a spaz as it is so maybe that's a good thing.

Sidenote: found out why he had no interest.
If you set it, the cats will eat it. If you sow it, the cats don't know it.
-Philip Miller, The Gardener's Dictionary
I tore a few leaves and he could smell it, as could I. He was on it like a nutball after that...

I planted a bunch of other seeds in these shoebox containers i picked up from Home Depot for around a buck a piece that are clear and come with lids and all that goodness. They seem to be working well so far inside under a grow light with foil to reflect the light. My coleus and aster have sprouted very well in them. I have a layer of small pebbles about an inch or so thick on the bottom and then starting mix on top. For some reason the Dianthus i planted was having a real hard time of things, and i've only gotten a sprout or 2 out of the entire box. I'll try again when the weather warms up a bit i suppose since the seeds are so cheap.

Planted many more things but i'll wait till i have some decent pictures to talk about them (provided they're successful that is!). List includes: zinnia, daffodils, hyacinth, freesia, columbine, nasturtium, alyssum, and others. Nothing too out of the ordinary. want to plant some Larkspur tho. I got my hands on 5 huge containers so i'll have room to plant them anywhere i want. Oh threw some lettuce in the garden too, need to plant the carrots as well.

Received some other seeds that i'm waiting on spring for to plant out: bird of paradise, orange jasmine, more angel trumpet seed and several others. Should make for a fun season. :)

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