Sunday, April 29, 2012

stinkbugs on tomato, moments before their demise
Outside watering this morning, everything was cool. Then I had this moment, you know the one. The moment where you see something but your mind does not comprehend it because it just doesn't seem real or you have some denial defense mechanism kicking in to save your mind from shattering into a million pieces. But then I processed it - stinkbugs (leaf footed bugs) en masse all over one of my Roma tomatoes. Once I picked my jaw up off the floor I ran inside and picked up my camera and the pest spray I made (diluted dishwashing liquid and veggie oil) and went to work eradicating the bastards. Let me tell you this, they DID NOT like my spray :) I had to rinse off all the dead bug carcasses off my tomato, haha. The are quite considerate to all bulk together to make them an easy kill though...

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