Sunday, April 1, 2012

What do I do when I should be studying for a test in the spring? I run around planting stuff to procrastinate, that's what.

Planted the yellow and blue ones in a few pots together. They're cosmos and convolvulus, neither of which i've grown before. They've been sitting in my seed box for a while now and they're complimentary colors so i'm hoping they go well together and flower around the same time.

The top one i planted around my birdbath, in situ. Its a relative of the hibiscus family and is called abelmochus moschatus, according the lady who gave them to me. They are said to flower from May to November, if planted at the right time and should survive our mild winters.

Also planted some butterfly weed (currassavica) and some 4-o'clocks around a tree from seed in situ as well. Its semi-shady so I donno how well that's gonna work out...roots of butterfly weed are long taproots so i dont really wanna have to try to dig um up if they're unsuccessful, but i have a ton more seed so its no loss really.

Orange Jasmine (murraya paniculata) and Bird of Paradise seed (strelitzia reginae) will be next but the seeds are huge so i'm gonna start them in little pots. Except for all my school exams, I love spring.

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