Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fall Garden Plans

forgive my lazyness on not scanning, but its so cumbersome to set up. bed measures 110" x 55" (don't ask) grid lines are set at 3" increments

5 dark dots on left are broccoli, surrounded by carrots in the first column and radish in the second column.
Petunia will be planted on either side of second column
a column of Nasturtium (alaskan or not i haven't decided) to the right of that
middle column is garlic up top, spinach in middle and beets at bottom in accordance with nitrogen needs
a column of some flower, larkspur possibly (since no parsnips are planted)
finally snap peas on the far most right.

pretty sure this is gonna be it for the fall setup. i was all anticipatory and whatnot and went to see if they had any seed out yet at the big box stores but no :(

I've been making myself sore pulling up all the giant ragweed in the backyard. I refuse to have such a failure as i did with last seasons crop. Just miserable. Pests are going to be the death of me.

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