Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tomatoes (Park Whopper) have put on several little blooms and i see 2 fruits developing already. Since it's already putting on fruit so i'm starting to fertilize with some soluble tomato fertilizer. The Verbascum has put out several new stalks too, about 7 total and the ranunculus has started to erupt into blooms. Freesia is developing fast and the alyssum sprouted about 3 days after sowing in strawberry containers. Marigolds are also coming along well; several are showing sets of true leaves. Lavatera is also putting out nice healthy leaves. Borage around the tomatoes are growing so fast i would think it was a weed if i didn't know better. Little garden spiders are setting up shop on my tomato cages. They are most welcome as long as they dont try to come in the house too. After-the-freeze-first-day-of-spring plant report: believe the datura and angel trumpet are gone for good but the Hosta are coming back with a vengeance. Post pics later - swamped with schoolwork but thought i'm make reference notes.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Verbascum finally bloomed. Its in its second year from planting i believe. His cousin next to him is still a horribly late bloomer though...

I've found that while the crocus bulbs are cute and match the bloom shape of the tulip tree they are planted under, they are very small and short lived. I was somewhat disappointed with them and probably won't plant them again. It feels to me like they just wouldn't be appealing unless they were planted en masse

Also, something keeps digging out shallow little holes in my mulch were my roses and balsam are. Its highly annoying and i have to go check it like everyday to make sure the new little plants i have there are ok. so far whatever it is has pretty much killed 2 of them. its a good thing i have some extra, but still its annoying... i wish i had one of those cameras you could just set up to catch whatever critter it was. Short of that i would have to stay up all night trying to catch the little whatever-it-is red-handed. arg.

update: mulched severely and whatever was digging finally stopped. :)