Friday, March 30, 2012

Went to my local big box store and they have a pallet full of "busted bags" of garden soils and mulch. Bought a small pallet of stuff for 10 bucks that would normally run me $44.60, oh yeah, i did the math. I only paid 22% of what it was listed at. Nice. Got garden soil, potting mix and 6 bags of mulch too.

Bought some sweet 100 tomatoes and strawberries too. All/most of the Bonnie brand veggies and herbs are half off till April 1st at Home Depot. Finally, advertisements I hear on Pandora were good for something!

Planted some more Okra (Ferry Morse Emerald variety) today too. 6 holes with 3 seeds each. I did 3 seeds per hole not only for fail-safes in case i have some that don't germinate but also b/c I like to braid them together for added support and it looks pretty :) Oh there will be some jars of Okra some summer. Planted the Clemenson Spineless last time and they came out yummy but I happened to be in a store where they had this variety so i'm like what the heck. From what i remember Ferry Morse was non GMO but they are linked to a French company that participates in biotech, so I donno they might be... sigh.
non gmos and some more

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Been so MIA, but I have done a bit of things:
Just look at that adorable little carrot. Aw... they still have a ways to go but they look good. I must admit, I ate him as cute as he was and he was pretty tasty :)

Grew lettuce earlier too. Still waiting on onions, broccoli, carrots and tomatoes to be ready. The onions may have to come up prematurely so i can make way for okra and another tomato bush. I'm still debating...
Found some caterpillar droppings all over my snow peas and i finally found him, i donno how b/c he's soooo hard to see since he's identical to the leaf color. stupid natural camo.

Lots of things have bloomed for me recently: grew the Freesia in a pot with daffodils and hyacinths (blue jacket). Hyacinths were pretty and smelled lovely, but didn't last long enough for me so i probably won't grow them next time unless the bulbs come back on their own.
Freesia (smell so pretty)



 Still waiting on some stuff to bloom. Verbena and my little gardenia tree are doing well but the Lavatera and hollyhocks had some upsets that were totally my fault. hopefully they pull through.
gardenia jasm. bud