Friday, May 14, 2010

daisy and new sprouts

the only daisy to produce any flower buds, after the whole damping off affair, has started to flower. i'm still waiting for the others to follow suit. the daisies look very pretty in a hanging pot btw. they drape over the sides like some sort of ivy flowing out and then do a u-turn and 180 and come back up. you get multiple buds on a single stem too. if i would have taken better care when i planted them i'm sure they would look stunning now (and i'm not a huge daisy fan either). and really they went from seed to bloom in all of like 2 1/2 months so i could probably fit in another pot before the growing season for them is over... i might have to try that out.

and there are few things more beautiful than a rose starting to open. maybe i'm a bit strange but i find them much more pretty when they are just partly open than fully in bloom. this is one of the miniture roses from last year that i purchased. the other tiny bush is a creme pinkish color and is starting to open again as well.

the warm weather must love to germinate seeds b/c the ones i planted on the 11th are already starting to come up. its only been how long, 3 days?!? crazy. most seeds i looked at were something around 7-10 days. it's phenomenal. now i'm not 100% but i'm pretty sure they're the stork's bill that i planted that are the front runners. at first i thought my dad was playing tricks with me. he recently sunk a piece of store bought broccoli into the soil next to the broccoli sprouts for me to happen upon. i admit it was cute. so i was thinking he pulled some sprout out he found somewhere in the yard, but no. these are totally legit. i'm still totally amazed. there were 4 when i checked this morning.

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