Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sudden wilt... :(

I came home yesterday and was pleasantly suprised to see that the Datura Metel had a huge growth spurt. for a second or two i had it confused with the angel trumpet, it had grown so much in the span of 2 days.

And now i come home from work and look outside and notice, to my horror, everything is all wilted. i ran inside and asked Dad if he sprayed anything on them accidently. It happened to the aster hulk, bellflower and the metel. its gotta be a watering problem... not being home for a few days can really hurt things.

 the leaves aren't crispy (well except for the scorched bits on the bellflower) they're just all wilty. ...sigh...  if they dont recover by friday i'm gonna be super depressed.

in better news the patio is finished. Dad finished cutting the new brick today to fill in the gaps. i think he did a pretty good job. he should have put sand under the bricks but maybe they'll be alright and not crack, as that dirt under them is like a rock. i know, i had to help lower it down a couple inches and i assure you, it sucked.

Oh and i was poking around the veggies today and had to take a picture of this ridiculously tiny little asparagus. he's just a little babies.

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