Monday, August 9, 2010

New Veggie box

Made the new veggie box yesterday and started to fill it today. Its lasagna style layering with leaves on the bottom and grass in the middle and this hay type stuff on the topmost layer. I need to add more to it b/c it's gonna compress as it breaks down and has a bunch of negative space between everything. put some lining in the bottom to help conserve water a bit. Its has a little bit of drainage tho so i dont flood the poor guys out.

I need to stop by $5 coffee land (aka starbucks) and see if they have any spent coffee grounds i can have. I don't like the idea of walking in there and asking for stuff, seems very awkward. Maybe if i buy a coffee it'll go a little smoother. It's against every fiber in my body to go and pay that much for coffee tho. I hope they have little cup sizes next to "venti" and "grande" b/c i haven't the faintest clue what is what.

i don't know what the timeframe is gonna be for the box to be plant-ready. probably a year, which seems like a reeeealy long time to wait. if it overwintered and was ready by spring that would be amazing. there's no way  i'm sure...

Searching around, says:
Gardeners consider fall an appropriate time because of the availability of the organic materials they get from falling leaves and the general yard waste. Then you can let your garden break down and be ready by the spring time. 
create in fall, plant in spring. nice. i'm assuming that's consecutive seasons :) Everyone seems to have a different opinion of what layers go where, but i think i'll be fine. the only thing i think i'm gonna stick to is putting compost on the topmost layer. Since i lined it at the bottom i'll probably have to add my own worms i'm thinking, as virtually no contact with the natural ground beneath it (where i'm sure all the little wormies inhabit).

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