Friday, July 16, 2010

First okra

came home after 3 days and the okra was going strong. i finally pulled the first one off, but i think he's a little on the large side and i should have picked him sooner. he's somewhere around 6".

theres a bit of aphids on one of the plants. i keep knocking them off with the water hose so maybe they wont do too much damage. they are really only on one plant... for now. we'll see how that goes.

the rest of the plants are doing well and i should get more from them soon. i have buds opening everywhere.

oh and i found out that the wood cutting from my mother's rose bush is one from the pink bush. it's a bit weak, but for the first bloom i guess it's to be expected. i should probably cut it off so it can focus on making branches tho instead of diverting its energy into blooms.

i let that portulaca below it go a long time ago btw. ; )

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