Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Went to Home Depot and got some perilite today to put in some of my hibiscus cuttings. I put them in little styrofoam cups and placed glass jars over them to try to conserve some humidity. Two things i should have done differently tho (since i just kinda cut them and stuck them in there) were: i didn't really pay attention to the nodes and where they were, instead of cutting just below the node i cut just above like the special person i am :), and two, i wish i would have planted them together en masse b/c i read they somehow grow better when they are propagated together. I did cut them at an angle, moisten them and dusted with powder rooting hormone. made the holes large enough so that when i put them in they didn't brush off all the powder. They're said to root anywhere from 4-6 weeks so i'll check on um in 4 by giving them a little tug. i have the glass touching the cuttings on a few of them and i know it's a no-no but i'm thinking it'll be ok.

Also found a cute hanging 3 pot planter that holds little 4" pots so i bought an ivy for it and took a couple cuttings and put them in water with 2 drops of liquid feed for them to root so i can put them all in. I'll take pics of everything later (my camera battery is dead from a trip to San Antonio).

The roses in the front (aromatherapy and moondance) are not having the happiest time. i built that bed too low and i think they've been getting a little too much water. its all hurricane season and rainy and houston so i'll be glad when everything dies down. i do need to get around to making that bed higher tho. sitting in water is bad and even worse when it gets cold... i can see leaf mold spots on them which i periodically pick off and chunk out into the yard.

the fragile roses i pulled out of there are doing pretty spectacular actually. i wish i liked them better. they have just been taking off. i deadheaded them and i have new buds everywhere. they're not retaining water tho like the ones in the front so naturally they are pretty pleased. i have to find a good home for them b/c right now they are just kinda sitting randomly in my yard.

bought some canning jars for the okra. i had the brainstorm when i remembered just how much i enjoy pickled okra. oh, and if you buy them, get them from walmart. they have them too and cheaper than what the grocery store had them for (6.79 vs. 11 something at Krogers). I was a little miffed when i saw that one. i got a lot of enjoyment watching the okra grow so i'm thinking that i'm gonna grow about twice as much next year. hopefully the seeds i have will still be viable next season.

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